Class of 1959; Elected 2008
Bob attended the University of North Carolina on a naval scholarship and graduated in 1963 with a B.S. Degree and Naval Officer commission. He began a 30 year career serving both at sea and ashore in a variety of increasingly responsible positions. Highlights of his career include duty on six ships including one as a commanding officer of a destroyer, positions on Department of Defense, Navy and Fleet staffs, advisor to the Vietnamese Navy during that conflict, and Commanding Officer of Naval Station Subic Bay, Philippines, the largest overseas U.S. Naval station at the time. Bob twice attended Naval War College and held an Assistant Professorship at Cornell University. Promoted to Rear Admiral in 1989, he became Assistant Vice Chief of Naval Operations and then Commandant of the Washington Naval District. Bob was chosen to be the Navy Escort at Clinton’s first Inaugurations. Upon his retirement, he served for 9 years as Borough Manager in Pottsdam, Pennsylvania.